Paydirt: Tycoons

Build your empire in the California Gold Rush!

Paydirt: Showdown

Team Deathmatch in the Paydirt Metaverse

Paydirt: The Discovery

Visit the museum to learn about history and go back in time to relive it as James Marshall discovers gold at Sutter's Mill in January of 1848.

Paydirt: The Journey

It's mid-1848 and word of the Gold Rush is spreading fast. Become a pioneer and get to San Francisco as quickly as you can.

Paydirt: The Rush

It's 1849 and the Gold Rush is on. Stake your claim and defend it from the ruthless competition.

Paydirt: The Mother Lode

In 1850, no one knows what exactly is under the surface, but a vast cache known as The Mother Lode is rumored to exist....